British Landscapes

Thursday, September 9, 10:00 a.m.
Come learn all the details of this exciting tour of England, Scotland and Wales. Highlights include: Edinburgh Castle, York, Chester, Llangollen, Wales, Stratford-upon-Avon, Oxford, London.  Registration for this tour scheduled for March 20 – 29, 2022, begins immediately following the slide presentation. 


Dinner with Friends


The theater comes to the senior center.

Join us for a live performance of

“Dinner with Friends”

written by Donald Margulies.

Two married couples have been best friends for years.

In their Connecticut home, Karen and Gabe, international food writers, are giving a dinner for Beth and Tom, which he doesn’t attend.

The Cast

Charles Schoenfeld

as Tom

Kelly Boucher

as Beth

Shawn Procuniar

as Gabe

Lori Lee

as Karen