Club 60 Plus is equipped with treadmills, elliptical trainers recumbent cross trainers, a recumbent cycle and upper body cycle. Our weight resistance equipment includes a multi press, bicep/tricep, leg extension/leg curl, leg press/calf press, abdominal/back extension, pulldown/row and free weights.
Club 60 Plus will be open Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. In order to join Club 60 Plus, you must be a member of the Wallingford Senior Center and meet the following requirements.
A signed Physician’s Medical Clearance form is required before you can become a member of Club 60 Plus and use the fitness center equipment. The Physician’s Medical Clearance may be required to be renewed periodically.
Three-month ($35), six-month ($65), or twelve-month ($120) memberships to Club 60 Plus may be purchased. Payment in cash or by check for one of the membership categories above must be made at the Reception Desk prior to joining Club 60 Plus.
A signed Informed Consent to Participate form is required. Be sure to thoroughly read this form before you sign it.
A member must be able to safely operate the fitness equipment independently following mandatory orientation sessions with a Wallingford Senior Center certified fitness trainer. The fitness trainer will make the determination as to when the member is capable of using the equipment independently. The orientation sessions will include instruction on how to use the equipment properly and how to monitor yourself safely. This is important because you will be exercising in an unsupervised environment without the continued presence of certified fitness trainers. A schedule of Orientation Sessions will be posted.
Members may schedule separate appointments with one of the fitness trainers for a customized fitness program and pay fees directly to the trainer.
The Wallingford Senior Center reserves the right to deny use of the fitness center for safety and/or health reasons.