Silver Sneakers Renew Active
/in Memories /by admin

Wallingford Senior Center
We are proud to announce that we are now participants of the SilverSneakers & Renew Active the nation’s leading exercise programs designed for preventative health and is exclusive for older adults. Included as a benefit with Medicare health plans nationwide, SilverSneakers and Renew Active helps seniors improve their health and stay independent. Eligible health plan members need only show their SilverSneakers health ID number to gain access to our location. Members interested may inquire about their eligibility by visiting the front desk.
With Renew Active you will have bring in your Insurance Card to register for the first time.
It is crucial that your attendance is accounted for when visiting the Wallingford Senior Center. Attendance data is our #1 tool we use to prove operation needs and show program value to the Town of Wallingford and now from participating health insurance companies. In return for your valued swipe members receive lowered costs to programs, discounts and select free memberships.
WSC Members: Every time you participate in a program your WSC card must be swiped into the computer.
WSC Guests (out of town residents): Please use your phone number to include your swipe into our records.
There are other similar programs to SilverSneakers and Renew Active that we are planning to add in the future. Please be patient while we workout all of our facility requirements in order to pursue additional Medicare health plan programs. Thank you.